Thursday 6 November 2014

Filming - Day 2

TV Studio

It is lunch time!  

We are about to film with Michael, he does not know the chorus well, He kindly asked me to print out another lyric sheet to familiarise himself with the lyrics on paper. I am back in the Studio and the team tuned into the Vibe squad in the Sound room. The music is blasting out. Michael is comfortable and looking confident about his role. I am not sure where Shaun is? Well I asked the team, they contacted him so he should be here, he is probably in a lesson. 

Now, I need to go now!  

I have to film! 

Location Release For Prince Regent Station

 We are allowed to film at Prince Regent Station with our own cameras if it is not for commercial use  but we are not allowed to use a tripod for safety reasons.